L to R: Councillor Robert Dumanowski, Councillor Darren Hirsch, Mrs. Elenor Robles, Vice Chair Greg Keen, Chair Paul Carolan, Mr. Miles Johnson, Mr. Ken Serr, Mr. Miles Thorson. Missing: Mrs. Onyinye Chukwunyerenwa.
Medicine Hat Police Commission Mission Statement:
“The Medicine Hat Police Commission provides overall direction through support and guidance to the Chief of Police, ensuring a safe and secure community.”
Medicine Hat Police Commission Core Values:
- “Respect” – We respect our people and the community we serve.
- “Accountability” – We are accountable to each other and those we serve.
- “Honesty” – We are forthright, direct and honest with our community and ourselves.
- “Integrity” – We conduct ourselves in an ethical manner; maintaining confidentiality, trust and objectivity.