
The Medicine Hat Police Commission’s Roles and Responsibilities under the Police Act include:

1. The Commission in carrying out their responsibilities as established by the Police Act, shall:

a. Allocate the funds that are provided by the council;

b. Direct the Chief of Police to establishing procedures providing for efficient and effective policing;

c. Represent the interests and concerns of the public to the Chief of Police;

d. Issue instructions as necessary to the Chief of Police in respect of the procedures referred to in clause (b);

e. Ensure that sufficient persons are employed for the police service for the purpose of carrying out the functions of the Police Service;

f. In consultation with the Chief, establish priorities in policing and participate in strategic planning for the Medicine Hat Police Service;

g. Appoint the Chief of Police, subject to the ratification of Council;

h. Appoint a Public Complaints Director;

i. Review complaints against the Chief of Police;

j. Consider appeals of the Chief’s decision in complaints against the Police Service or police service policy;

2. The Commission’s roles include the following:

a. An initiator of policies that reflect community need and enhance both the effectiveness of the Police Service and the welfare of the community;

b. A liaison body that considers both community and Police Service viewpoints and needs;

c. A communication link that enhances understanding and working relationships among the Service, the public, and elected representatives in Council;

d. Monitor the Police Service to ensure efficient and effective policing and compliance with legislation and policies.

3. As a statutory body, the Commission must be and be seen to be:

a. Independent of Police Service administration and management, political affiliation and interest groups;

b. Accessible to both the Police Service and the public;

c. Publicly accountable for the governance of the Police Service, and;

4. Responsive to the needs of the community.